Epidemiological control will be strengthened

03.07.2018, 10:20

Epidemiological control will be strengthened

On June 23 this year, the President of the country adopted a decree «On additional measures to combat human immunodeficiency virus spread and prevent nosocomial diseases».

This decision will serve timely prevention and diagnosis of HIV infection, improve the quality of medical and social care for patients, and expand the scale of their inpatient treatment.

According to the decree, the legal and regulatory framework will be improved, epidemiological control will be strengthened, the control over the spread of HIV infection and prevention of nosocomial infections in the country will be tightened. The allocation of budget funds will be increased to finance activities to provide treatment and prevention facilities with test systems and antiretroviral drugs, as well as combating the spread of HIV infection.

The significance of this decree for UzLiDeP is that it provides for a phased transfer of functions for sterilizing medical instruments and disposing of medical waste to private entities. The party stands for the creation of a healthy competition in the sphere of providing qualified medical assistance to the population with the involvement of private capital, the development of the healthcare sector in Uzbekistan, which aspires to take a worthy place in the range developed nations of the world is our priority.

It should be specially noted that the decree stipulates that the phased introduction of public-private partnerships in medical institutions will serve to improve the quality of a wide range of medical services provided by public health institutions.

Makhfuza Hamroyeva,

Member of the Political

Council of UzLiDeP,

 director of «Мother and

сhild screening сenter»

of Navoiy region

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O’zLiDeP Жиззах вилоят Кенгаши Олим Норжигитов2018-06-27 12:37:35

Президентимизнинг “Одамнинг иммунитет танқислиги вируси келтириб чиқарадиган касаллик тарқалишига қарши курашиш ва шифохона ички инфекцияларини профилактика қилиш бўйича қўшимча чора-тадбирлар тўғрисида”ги қарори ОИВ-инфекциясини ўз вақтида профилактика ва диагностика қилиш, беморларга тиббий-ижтимоий ёрдам кўрсатиш сифатини ошириш, уларни стационарда даволаш кўламини кенгайтиришга хизмат қилади.

Бегматова Зухра Сирдарё вилоят Кенгаши Кадрлар бўйича инспектор2018-06-27 08:48:09

Президентимиз томонидан қабул қилинаётган барча қарорларнинг заминида инсон қадр-қиммати, саломатлиги ётади. Бу қарор ҳам айнан шундай. Партиямиз олдига ушбу қарор жудда катта ёндошувни, масъулятни юкламоқда. Хар қандай қарор ижросини таъминлашда хар бир фуқаро, партия вакллари бирдек масъул бўлишимиз зарурдир.
