Khorazm region

04.09.2019, 15:52
The family is happy when mother and baby are healthy
Khorezm regional kengash of UzLiDeP, within the framework of the project “Healthy family – strong family”, organized a roundtable ...
23.08.2019, 14:28
UzLiDeP pays great attention to working with people
The Executive Committee of the political council of UzLiDeP is conducting the republican stage of training on “Elections: strategy and tactics ...
08.08.2019, 17:14
Khorezm outlines tasks for addressing compensation issues
A meeting of Khorezm regional kengash of UzLiDeP and the deputy group of the party in the regional kengash of people’s deputies was held.At the ...
01.08.2019, 10:47
Projects of the updated program and the pre-election program of UzLiDeP are actively discussed in Khorezm
Khorezm hosted a meeting to discuss the updated program and the pre-election program of UzLiDeP.Amendments and additions introduced to the Program ...
25.07.2019, 09:44
Cylinders for liquefied gas were brought after the intervention of a deputy in “Yukori Shovot”
Member of UzLiDeP deputy group in Khozarasp district kengash of people's deputies Ollayor Boltayev met with the population of Yukori Shovot ...
04.07.2019, 14:48
Winners of Khorezm regional stage of “Ishbilarmon ayol” competition are determined (video)
Khorezm regional stage of “Ishbilarmon ayol” (Businesswoman) competition was held by the Women’s Wing of UzLiDeP.It was attended by ...
01.07.2019, 10:43
Winners of the district and city stages of “Ishbilarmon ayol” competition are determined in Khorezm
Kushkupir district and Khiva city stages of “Ishbilarmon ayol” (Businesswoman) competition were held.The competition was attended by more ...
19.06.2019, 16:32
Deputies' assistance to women's employment
An on-site reception of the deputy of the district Kengash of people's deputies Zebiniso Karimova was held in “Amudaryo” makhalla of ...
19.06.2019, 16:31
Urgench hosts a workshop
As previously reported, territorial workshops are held at places, the next of which was held in the city of Urgench.The event was attended by party ...
14.06.2019, 16:01
Products of S.Akhmedova from Gurlan are exported to Germany, the United States and the United Arab Emirates
A resident of Bagat district L. Sobirova opened a beauty salon in the makhalla and teaches women her skills. S. Akhmedova from Gurlan is engaged in ...

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