Problems of Jarkurgan people solved

04.08.2022, 15:59

Problems of Jarkurgan people solved

At meetings with voters, we often encounter problems in various areas. For example, the M-41 highway of international importance (1578 km) runs through the territories of the Mekhnat-Rokhat, Korakursok, Istiqlol, Yangi Usul, Neftchilar mahallas of Jarkurgan district. This part of the highway is considered quite busy and is crossed by streets leading to preschool education institutions, a youth sports school, shops, and settlements.

Along the Jarkurgan-Kakaydi highway (the territory of Neftchilar and Yangi Usul mahallas) there are also institutions, a dehkan market, a mosque. This part of the road is also busy. In past years, accidents have repeatedly occurred on sections of these highways that have killed many civilians. This was a serious problem, in connection with which the residents asked for assistance in laying pedestrian crossings on a busy part of the highways, installing traffic lights, and taking specific measures to ensure traffic safety on these roads. Based on citizens’ appeals, a deputy request was sent to the relevant body – the Minister of Internal Affairs P. Bobojonov. A positive response was received and the practical work began.

At the 1578th kilometer of the M-41 “Bishkek – Dushanbe – Termez” highway running through the Jarkurgan district, road signs 5.16.1, 5.16.2 and a pedestrian crossing line 1.14.1 – 1.14.3 were installed at the pedestrian crossing site.

Also, taking into account the location along the road of a 5-preschool education institution, a children’s and youth sports school, a new type of road sign 5.46 was installed. Now, on this section of the highway, drivers slow down to 30 km. On parts of the road 4P101 “Jarkurgan – Kakaydi – Lalmikor –Kushcheka – border of the Republic of Tajikistan”, where the non-state preschool institution and Khuja Samandar Termizi mosque are located, road signs and a pedestrian passage line were also installed.

I express my gratitude to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Surkhandarya Regional Department of Internal Affairs for their responsible and timely attitude to the deputy’s request and for the activity carried out to ensure the safety of citizens.

Fakhriddin Samatov,

Deputy of the Legislative Chamber

of the Oliy Majlis

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