UzLiDeP shared business secrets with young people

04.10.2018, 18:51

UzLiDeP shared business secrets with young people

Jizzakh regional council of UzLiDeP organized an open dialogue dedicated to the implementation of the state program «Yoshlar – kelajagimiz» as well as the places and role of the PPO in this direction.

During the conversation specialists provided the necessary information to young people how to open a business, to make a business plan, to pass state registration, how to get a loan in a bank, and they also talked about the benefits of tax payments.

– I did not know that within the framework of the state program «Yoshlar-kelajagimiz» banks provide soft loans to young entrepreneurs - said D. Mirzaeva. – Representatives of the party and the staff of the fund «Yoshlar-kelajagimiz» provided us with detailed information. I am convinced that the knowledge and information obtained during the event will be very necessary in the establishment of our own business.   

At the end of the event, young people who want to become a member of the party are accepted into its ranks.


Press secretary

of the Jizzakh regional

council of UzLiDeP

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