UzLiDeP supports the unification of all legal relations of individual entrepreneurs into one law

28.04.2018, 11:34

UzLiDeP supports the unification of all legal relations of individual entrepreneurs into one law

The Executive Committee of the Political Council of UzLiDeP held a practical dialogue on the results of studying the current state and prospects for the development of individual entrepreneurial activities.

The event was attended by members of the UzLiDeP faction and deputies in local Kengashs of people's deputies, representatives of various ministries and organizations as well as businessmen and journalists.

It should be noted that the Executive Committee of the Political Council of UzLiDeP studied the activities of individual entrepreneurship from 170 districts and 30 cities, where 15 issues related to the improvement of legislation were discussed. In particular, special attention was paid to the ongoing work on the development of individual entrepreneurial activities by local khokimiyats, the specification of the number of individual entrepreneurs, and the study of their problems. Proposals for the registration of individual entrepreneurs, increasing their ability to pay taxes and other mandatory payments, and the use of alternative forms of credit were developed. About 600 deputy inquiries were sent on the issues studied.

Based on the results of the study, the UzLiDeP`s working group makes the the following proposals.

Firstly, the legal relations of individual entrepreneurs are regulated by the norms of the Civil Code, the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan «On guarantees of entrepreneurship activities' freedom», decrees and resolutions of the President of the country, there are more than 40 legal acts. The party is a supporter of the unification of such norms within the framework of one law.

Secondly, UzLiDeP considers it necessary to study international experience with the participation of specialists and experts, to introduce it into the system of national legislation.

On this basis, the event supported the proposal to establish an association of individual entrepreneurs in order to express the rights and interests of individual entrepreneurial entities, as well as to promote, coordinate and protect their activities.

The participants also discussed proposals for the development of handicraft activities, raising direct foreign exchange earnings for handicraftsmen, organize artisanal zones.

At the conclusion of the dialogue, which was held in the spirit of lively discussion, the participants supported the UzLiDeP proposals, set out in the draft law "On individual entrepreneurship" and the draft resolution of the President of the country "On measures to radically improve the effectiveness of individual entrepreneurial activities". It was also decided to work with MPs to develop a roadmap for the development of individual entrepreneurship and to submit for consideration it in the sessions of the relevant Kengashes.

Press-service of UzLiDeP

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