Targeted parliamentary and deputy control will serve the further development of regions

02.10.2017, 15:53

Targeted parliamentary and deputy control will serve the further development of regions

A joint meeting of the Executive Committee of the Political Council of UzLiDeP and the faction of the Legislative Chamber in the Oliy Majlis was held.

The head of our state at the meeting on July 12 of this year with representatives of the chambers of the Oliy Majlis, political parties and the Ecological Movement of Uzbekistan noted that each political party, in accordance with its program tasks, needs to implement through its factions and party groups in representative bodies effective parliamentary and deputy control over the activities of relevant ministries and departments.

In particular, it was pointed out the need to establish systematic work with the ministries of economy and finance, the State Committee for Investments.

During the past period, the working group of UzLiDeP and relevant ministries has taken a number of measures to ensure the implementation the task on the ground. Field visits have been conducted. The necessary practical experience has been gained to organize the work in accordance with new requirements.

The work of the working group allowed not only to establish effective parliamentary and deputy control over the activities of the relevant ministries and the committee, but also to identify areas for cooperation to further improve their work.

As a result, the faction and deputy groups of UzLiDeP developed a plan of measures to establish parliamentary and deputy control over the activities of these ministries and departments in the fourth quarter of 2017 and the first half of 2018.

The meeting reviewed the report of the Ministry of Economy on the qualitative improvement of localization of production in the regions and the proceedings of the State Committee on Investment in attracting foreign and local investments.

The deputies reviewed the activities of the party's deputies groups in the regions. It should be noted that the UzLiDeP program is designed taking into account the peculiarities of each region, city and district, based on the need to examine the status of issues critical to the socio-economic development of these regions.

The draft program includes activities to study the implementation of relevant decrees and resolutions of the head of our state regarding the organization of FEZ activities in the regional councils of people's deputies, work on organizing small industrial zones in 57 district councils and organization of pharmaceutical industrial zones in 9 district councils.

The program also included the study of the ongoing work to attract foreign and local investment to the regions.

One of the important directions of the program is the study of measures taken by the Ministry of Finance and its territorial units to expand the guaranteed income base of local budgets, to remove certain regions and regions from the subvention.

Participants of the meeting thoroughly discussed each of these issues and noted the need to mobilize all the opportunities for performing certain tasks.

Following the discussion, the relevant decisions were taken.

Press-service of UzLiDeP

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Фахриддин Абдусатторов - O‘zLiDeP Сирдарё вилоят Кенгаши Аппарат раҳбари 2018-09-15 14:37:23

Дарҳақиқат, санъат ҳаётимизнинг ажралмас қисмидир. Ўзига хос йўналишга эга бўлган миллий мусиқа санъати - мақомимизни бутун дунёга тараннум этиш ва унинг бой маънавий синоатидан барча халқларни бахраманд этишдек хайрли ишлар доимо таҳсинга лойиқдир.

Даврон Темиров O‘zLiDeP Бўка туман Кенгаши ижрочи котиби2018-09-09 09:26:41

Мақом санъатини кўз қорачиғидек асраб-авайлаш, ундан дунё аҳлини баҳраманд қилиш, келгуси наслларга безавол етказиш мақсадида юртимизнинг гўзал ошёни бўлган Шахрисабзда ўтказилилиши ва унда кўплаб мамлакат вакилларининг иштирок этиши бу тадбир ана шундай буюк маданий мерос ривожига ўзбек халқининг ҳам муносиб ҳисса қўшганига турли қитъа ва мамлакатлар вакилларини яна бир бор эътрофидир .
