MPs of UzLiDeP heard a report of the Head of the Department for Tourism Development

02.11.2017, 16:13

MPs of UzLiDeP heard a report of the Head of the Department for Tourism Development

The head of our state at the videoconference on July 12 of this year, devoted to the analysis of activities of parliament chambers, political parties, the Ecological movement of Uzbekistan stressed that each party, based on its program objectives, through parliamentary factions and party groups, should establish parliamentary and deputy control over the activities relevant ministries and committees.

Based on these specific tasks, on October 27, the deputy group of UzLiDeP in Tashkent regional council of People's Deputies heard a report of the heads of regional departments of the ministries of economy and finance, the State committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on investments.

It should be noted that the UzLiDeP deputy groups in the Tashkent regional, district (city) Kengashs (Сouncils) of people's deputies plan to implement effective deputy control over the departments in the fourth quarter of 2017 and the first half of 2018. In accordance with it, 46 hearings are scheduled for the region. 25 of them are the reports of the management of the economy, 19 - finance, 1 - on investment.

After that, the report of the secretary of the department for tourism development J. Mashrabov was heard on the work carried out in the Tashkent region in the implementation of the decree of the President of our country on measures of ensuring accelerated development of the tourism industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan of December 2, 2016.

According to his report in the Tashkent region, 120 organizations provide services to local and foreign tourists. Of these, 15 are travel companies, 45 are hotels, and 71 are sanatoriums and recreation areas. J .Mashrabov presented to the deputies information on the development of programs to further expand the number of such institutions and improve the quality of services.

As a result of the discussions, appropriate decisions were made.


of the Tashkent Regional Council of UzLiDeP

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Даврон Темиров O‘zLiDeP Бўка туман Кенгаши ижрочи котиби2018-09-30 13:38:53

Душанбе шаҳрида Алишер Навоий номидаги маданият ва истироҳат боғи барпо этилиб, унда икки буюк сиймонинг ҳайкали қад ростлагани халқларимиз ўртасидаги дўстона алоқалар мустаҳкамланиб бораётганининг яна бир ифодасидир. Ўриндиқлар ёнида китобхонликни тарғиб этувчи ҳайкалчалар ўрнатилганлиги. Ота ва ўғил, Она ва қиз, Бобо ва набира сиймолари акс этган ушбу санъат асарлари ҳар қандай инсонни китобга ошно бўлишга ундайди. Бу эса мамлакатимизда китобхонликни кучайтириш мақсадида олиб борилаётган ишларнинг узвий давомчиси, икки қардош халқнинг орзу-умидлари , қарашлари бирлигидан далолатдир.
