Deputies of Jizzakh discussed the issue of employment of the population

19.06.2018, 16:31

Deputies of Jizzakh discussed the issue of employment of the population

A regular meeting of the UzLiDeP deputy group of the Jizzakh city council of people's deputies was held. The report of the head of the Jizzakh city employment promotion center Sh. Murodov was heard.

As noted in the report, in the first quarter of the current year under the program of the organization of new jobs and employment provision in 2018 in the city of Jizzakh planned to create 102 new jobs, in fact this figure was 306 places.

– The center took strict control over the social protection of outgoing and entering citizens, in particular, providing them with work, - said Sh. Murodov. – Labor inspectors hold a constant dialogue with citizens and as a result 172 are provided with work. During the event, the specialists of the spheres made their recommendations on attracting the population to family entrepreneurship and providing work for graduates of professional colleges.

At the end of the meeting, the relevant decision of the party's deputy group on the continuation of the deputy control over the provision of employment was adopted.

Saida Umaralieva,


of the Jizzakh regional

council of UzLiDeP

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Шамшод Жафаров 2018-06-13 10:01:22

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Қ.Эшқораева Навоий вилояти, Учқудуқ тумани ижрочи котиб2018-06-12 17:02:52

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