"Young scientists' league" was created in UzLiDeP

14.05.2018, 18:33

The Executive Committee of the Political Council of UzLiDeP with the participation of young scientists and leading researchers organized an event to create the "Young scientists' league" at the "Youth wing" of UzLiDeP and to exchange views on the issue of supporting research and innovation development, as well as to strengthen the activities of civil institutions in these areas.

The participants emphasized that the President of our country in his address to the parliament of the country – the Oliy Majlis defined stimulation of scientific-research and innovative activities, creation of effective mechanisms of introduction of scientific and innovative achievements in practice, creation of scientific and experimental specialized laboratories, centers of high technologies, technoparks.

It was noted that this is the most important factor of the country's transition to an innovative way of development. Today, as the experience of developed countries shows, the main condition for improving and modernizing the economy is knowledge, innovation, new ideas, the most modern systems and technologies.

According to participants, successful decision of these tasks depends on the potential of the young generation. The party in these conditions should promote professional, creative and career growth of young people, and help them organize their own business.

Youth representatives emphasized that the President of our country pays special attention to the creation of wide opportunities for the development of science and technologies, as well as the involvement of youth to this sphere. As a result, the ranks of young people who want to devote themselves to scientific activities are expanding.

In this context, it is noted that the party implements the most important tasks put forward by the Head of our country at the VIII Congress of UzLiDeP in this direction and a number of projects to support young scientists and researchers, as well as provides special scholarships for gifted young people.

The party also reconsidered its work with young people, creates various platforms for exchanging views with them on the topical issue and finds common points of contact.

It was noted that the creation of such a platform – "Young scientists' league" creates an opportunity for young researchers to implement their scientific developments in practice, in particular in lawmaking, in the real sector of the economy and in other spheres, as a kind of social elevator for them.

The party will unite in its ranks purposeful, energetic, initiative boys and girls for realization of program goals and tasks, implementation of the promoted party ideas and values.

During the event, collections of scientific articles by young researchers in the field of economics, politics, law and international relations, published with the assistance of the party were presented, including a broad explanation of the tasks of the strategy action.

Press-service of UzLiDeP

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